Democrat Governors are FINALLY following the science on masks. Joe Rogan (the man who endorsed Bernie Sanders for President) is making hard-left progressives lose their collective minds. Their overreach in trying to cancel Rogan is creating backlash, even among left-wingers. The biggest question is when did Neal Young stop fighting “the man” and become “the man?”
Are parents now more involved in their kids education? They should be.
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Rant 78 – You’re Garbage! Go Vote!
President Biden insults half the country by calling them garbage, while Harris is trying to give her closing argument. Chris and Sean cover the fallout and how Trump is handling the campaign,
Rant 77 – A coin toss election
In what can only be described as the first coin toss election in recent history, Trump and Harris go into the last two weeks neck and neck. Chris and Sean break it
Rant 76 – Biden’s Revenge
It turns out the October surprise is President Joe Biden undercutting Kamala Harris. Chris and Sean discuss what that means, how the Blue Wall is showing some cracks and the race is
Rant 75 – We Are All Americans
This month, SNL celebrates 50 years of hilarious election-changing political satire. We wonder if they will make fun of exploding pagers and walkie talkies in the biggest Israeli intelligence operation in history.
Rant 74 – Why Reagan Still Matters
The new movie Reagan comes out this week. Chris and Sean had a chance to watch an early preview and talk about how much they loved the movie. Dennis Quaid plays Reagan
Rant 73 – Kamala The Kameleon to the Rescue!
In two short weeks, our country has seen an assassination attempt of a former President, a current President forced out of the Presidential race, AND the elevation and eventual coronation of a
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