The Wall Street Journal released a poll this week ( showing unbelievable decline in the bedrock values and institutions that are the foundation of the United States. With the unmistakable evil that found itself to Nashville this week, Chris and Sean discuss the apparent cultural tribalism and lack of Judeo-Christian values destroying the fragile threads of our National identity. How do we regain our footing, hold firm, and become the “Shining City on a Hill” as envisioned by President Ronald Reagan and embodied in the book of Matthew:

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” – Matthew 5:14

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Episode 158 – Sean is now Catholic!

June 25th, 2024|

Sean talks about his conversion to Catholicism after being a life-long member of the LDS Church. From his mission to Indiana, to serving as a bishop of two wards in the LDS