As Barack Obama so eloquently observed, Joe Biden has a unique ability to completely mess things up. In 2024, we have an economy in freefall with double digit inflation; a world on fire with multiple wars of his making in Ukraine and Israel; and, the fully orchestrated lawfare campaign against his opponent, Donald J Trump, proving to be a complete and total dumpster fire.

Even stalwart Trump detractors like Senators Mich McConnell and Mitt Romney point out the eventual consequences of Democratic overreach in falsely convicting Trump where there was no crime. Once such consequence is the massive fundraising haul across the Republican electorate giving the Democrats pause as to whether to go all the way and jail their opponent. Whether they decide to do so will change America forever and maybe not in the way they planned. Democrats got their orange man but may lose the country. Chris and Sean discuss it all in this #mustlisten episode!

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Episode 158 – Sean is now Catholic!

June 25th, 2024|

Sean talks about his conversion to Catholicism after being a life-long member of the LDS Church. From his mission to Indiana, to serving as a bishop of two wards in the LDS